Legal and Practical Issues in the Run-Up to the Introduction of the Euro

Legal and Practical Issues in the Run-Up to the Introduction of the Euro

Author: Dorothy Livingston and Herbert Smith (1997)

Dorothy Livingston and Herbert Smith
(This article represents the up-dated text of a lecture given by the author to members of the Association)
(taken from Isssue No 3 – August 1997)

A Key aspects of Monetary Union

1. Timetable

Monetary union is currently expected to commence in 1999 or very soon thereafter. At that point, exchange rates of those Member States taking part will be fixed and the euro will be created as a currency. No euro notes will be created at this time, instead `national currency units` will continue to exist for a period of approximately three years, but as denominations of the euro and not as separate currencies in their own right. At the same time, the new European Central Bank will assume control of monetary policy in all EMU countries.

Trust Quarterly Review

Trust Quarterly Review

The Trust Quarterly Review is published in partnership with STEP, it discusses matters of interest to trustees and executors with a focus on the particular interests of trust corporations in mind

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